
if you’re thinking about retirement

Our retirement account options provide flexibility and seamless investment management for your future plans, all at a cost below the average super fund1.


we work hard WHEN you don’t have to

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Flexibility to retire your way

We give you the tools to manage your wealth on your terms.

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support when you need it

Our Australian based customer service team and call centre is standing by.

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FOCused on low fees

Preserve your savings with lower overall fees and costs than the average super fund1.

READY for retirement

Superhero Retirement accounts give you the flexibility to access your super, your way. Giving you the power to easily manage payments, investments and beneficiaries all from within your member portal.


if you’re over 60 and still working

A Superhero Transition to Retirement (TTR) account allows you to access your super and set up an income stream, while still contributing to your Superhero Super account.

superhero is here for your whole career

If you’d like to sign up for a Transition to Retirement or Retirement Account with Superhero Super, you’ll first need to sign up for a Superhero account. Once you’re eligible, you can add a Retirement Account from your Profile.



1SuperRatings undertook a fee analysis of Superhero Super Growth and Superhero MySuper Growth against other superannuation funds tracked by and derived from SuperRatings median data for the relevant Balanced (60-76) growth asset allocation range. The SuperRatings data was as at 30 September 2023, using the latest available information as at 10 November 2023. The comparison was based on the total fees and costs of Superhero Super Growth and Superhero MySuper Growth, assuming a $50k account balance effective from 1 December 2023. Other fees and costs may apply. Refer to the Superhero Super PDS or Superhero Retirement PDS for more information.