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144 results in Support

What are the benefits of using a custodian?

At Superhero, we could follow the legacy brokers and use the system the ASX is desperately trying to replace. Instead, we carefully selected a custodian model to serve our customers better. Here’s…

What is a CHESS-sponsored trade?

The term “CHESS-sponsored trades” has been bandied around by marketing teams of various brokers but what does this term actually mean? CHESS stands for Clearing House Electronic Subregister System. Basically, it’s a…

Applying for Payment – Financial Hardship

What is a U.S. Publicly Traded Partnership (PTP) and how are these securities taxed?

A U.S. publicly traded partnership (PTP) is a business organisation owned by two or more co-owners whose shares are regularly traded on an established securities market. Section 1446(f) of the U.S. Internal…

My SMSF has a Superhero account and the fund’s auditor has requested a report on Superhero’s internal controls.

Superhero can provide a copy of an audited controls report directly to your auditor for use in auditing your SMSF. Please reach out to us via Chat or email us at hello@superhero.com.au

How do I set a stop loss order with Superhero?

Choose a holding from your portfolio and set ‘Order Type’ to ‘Stop Loss Order’. Set the trigger price. This is the price at or below which your shares or ETF units will…

What is a stop loss order?

A stop loss order is an order to commence selling a stock once the share price reaches a specified price, known as the ‘stop’ or ‘trigger’ price.  When the ‘stop’ or ‘trigger’…

What are recurring orders?

Recurring orders allow you to schedule automatic buy order(s) on a regular schedule.  You can set up a recurring order for any share or ETF (Australian or U.S.) on the Superhero platform:…

How do I change/cancel my recurring order?

If you wish to change or cancel your recurring order, log into your Superhero account and click on the ‘Dashboard’ tab followed by ‘Pending’. You will be able to view and make…

What time of day will my recurring order trade?

Your recurring order/s will be placed as a market order as soon as the market opens on a regular market-open trading day. Keep in mind that for recurring orders of Australian shares…